
Mr. Whitted earned his Bachelor's degree from the University of Michigan and his Master's degree in Teaching from Marygrove College. Before joining West Highland, he taught for over 20 years in the public school system, covering subjects such as social studies, English, drama, science, and technology integration. He also spent many years coaching soccer and cross-country.
In addition to his teaching and coaching experience, Mr. Whitted and his family served as missionaries at a school for the deaf in Mexico. He continues to lead mission trips to Mexico for West Highland students.
Mr. Whitted is dedicated to helping each student at West Highland realize their potential in Christ. His goal is to create a Christ-centered, supportive, and bully-free environment for all the students.
He is married with three children, all of whom are graduates of WHCA. In his spare time, Mr. Whitted enjoys traveling, spending quality time with his family, and helping others.

Dr. Dorais received his Bachelor of Arts and Master’s degrees from the University of Michigan and his Doctorate from Liberty University. He has over 20 years of experience teaching in both public and private schools. Dr. Dorais is married and is the proud father of two children, Ethan and Ava, both of whom are graduates of WHCA.

Mrs. Betts serves as the Administrative Assistant in the office, where she has the privilege of supporting the principal, staff, students, and parents of WHCA. With over 20 years of involvement in Christian education, she brings a wealth of experience and dedication to her role.
She holds an Associate’s Degree in Music from Moody Bible Institute and recently earned her Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology with an emphasis in Christian Counseling from Liberty University.
Mrs. Betts and her husband are actively involved in music, worship, and various other ministries. They are proud parents of three children, grandparents to two, and share their home with one dog and two cats.

Mrs. Matthews joined West Highland after a 24-year career in IT as a software quality tester. Before joining the staff 10 years ago, she was actively involved as a parent at the school. Now, she works in the Business Office, where she oversees tuition, enrollment, payroll, and provides IT support. She has a deep passion for helping others and brings both dedication and enthusiasm to her role.
Mrs. Matthews is married and has two sons—one is currently a senior at West Highland, and the other is a proud graduate. In her free time, she enjoys spending time with her family at their cabin up north, where they enjoy trail riding, canoeing, fishing, and relaxing by the campfire, and crocheting.

My name is Carey Abraham and I have been teaching for over 13 years. I taught at a public school for ten years where I taught Kindergarten, first, and second grade. I absolutely loved teaching at that school, but I found myself struggling at times because I was not able to pray with the kids in my class. I feel very blessed to be teaching first grade at West Highland Christian Academy for many reasons, but one main reason is because I get to talk to my students about the love that God has for each and every one of them! I graduated with a double major in Language Arts and Child Development from Michigan State University-Go Spartans!! I have a Masters Degree from MSU in Teaching and Curriculum. I have two children, Vella and Ava. They both attend WHCA. I am married to a fun-loving man, Jim. I enjoy all sports, especially volleyball, wakeboarding, and snowboarding. I love being with my family and playing outside. I feel West Highland is more than a school, it feels like family!

Mrs. Ambrose has a Bachelor of Science degree in Mathematical Sciences with an emphasis in Computer Science from the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. She worked as a computer programmer and developed programs for NOAA, NAVOCEANO, and NOAA's Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Research at the John C. Stennis Space Center in Mississippi, before moving to Ann Arbor, Michigan. Her passion is to help students learn and attain their full potential despite any learning differences. She has four children. She enjoys gardening, going for walks, hiking in the mountains, and spending time with family and friends.

Mrs. Austin is an Alumnus of the WHCA class of 2004. Her passion is music and worship. Lisa has been teaching private piano lessons for over 15 years and voice for more than 10 years. She leads worship at West Highland Baptist church and has a heart for WHCA and a desire to see the students grow in a Christ-centered environment.

Mrs. Barber has a Bachelor of Science degree from Eastern Michigan University and an Associates degree in Elementary Education from Washtenaw Community College. Barb worked as a substitute teacher at an International school when serving for eight years in Malaysia and speaks fluent Malay. While there, she discovered her passion for teaching. She is a certified Dyslexia Consultant through Bright Solutions, Inc. and has been tutoring with the Barton Dyslexia System since 2012. Barb is married, has five children and three grandchildren. Three of her children have graduated from West Highland.

Mrs. Clark holds a bachelor's degree in English and Elementary Education from Madonna University. After spending some time homeschooling her children, they transitioned to attending West Highland. In 2023, Mrs. Clark began working as a substitute art teacher and officially joined the staff for the 2023-2024 school year. She is passionate about painting and inspiring children to embrace their creativity. Mrs. Clark is married and has three children. One of her daughters is a recent graduate, and her son is currently in fifth grade.

Mrs. Daniels graduated from Eastern Michigan University with a degree in Elementary Education and an endorsement in Cognitive Impairments. She is thrilled to be teaching again at WHCA. Previously, she was a long-term substitute for 5th/6th grades, a special education teacher and dyslexia tutor. Prior to teaching at WHCA, she subbed at several local schools. She has waited a long time to teach 3rd grade and loves the freedom to talk to students about Jesus and to pray with them.

Mrs. DiGiovanni has a Bachelor degree in Human Biology from the University of Michigan-Flint. She is a devoted educator who strives to cultivate a passion for reading, writing, and critical thinking in her students. She is committed to helping them realize their capabilities fully. Mrs. DiGiovanni also teaches her students how to choose literature and entertainment that has both artistic and moral significance. Prior to joining WHCA, she tutored English, biology, and chemistry at the high school and college levels. Mrs. DiGiovanni has been with WHCA since 2019 and teaches English to students in grades 7-12, Senior Seminar, and provides one-on-one Barton tutoring. Mrs. DiGiovanni is married and has one child, Leia.

Mrs. Diller attended Taylor University for Elementary Education. She previously taught homeschool co-op classes for over 10 years and has been at WHCA for five years. She enjoys teaching science, history, geography and many other subjects. She has been tutoring with the Barton System for four years. Mrs. Diller has worked with special needs students in a variety of settings during her teaching time. She has six children, two of whom attend West Highland. She is a huge supporter of our robotics programs and is currently the head coach for junior high and an assistant coach for the high school and upper elementary teams.

Mrs. Evans has a Bachelor's degree from Columbia International University in Elementary Education and Bible. She was raised overseas in Saudi Arabia. Prior to coming to West Highland, she taught in the Detroit Public School System, raised her children, homeschooled, taught in co-op homeschools, and taught Sunday School. Some of her hobbies are skiing, reading, drawing, and learning more about everything (think more books, more museums, and more documentaries). She loves Jeremiah 29:11-13, which says: “… You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.”

Mrs. Nunneley has a Bachelor of Science degree in Chemistry and Biology, with a minor in Math and graduate courses in Analytical Chemistry. Throughout college, she taught general science labs and tutored. Her work experience includes six years as an Analytical Chemist in Research and Development, Supervisor of a manufacturing/product development lab for two years, and was a substitute teacher for 3 years. In addition, she served for three years on the board of a charitable organization, Yokohama International Women's Club, while living in Japan. She has also served as a group leader and children's leader for many years for Bible Study Fellowship International in both the USA and Japan. She has taught 3rd/4th grade at WHCA for 4 years. It is her endeavor to not only provide an excellent education, but also to pour into her students the love that Jesus Christ has poured into her life.

Mrs. Packer is a dedicated educator who co-teaches 1st and 2nd grade and serves as a Dyslexia tutor. She holds an Associates Degree in Business, studied Court Reporting in business school and also earned her CDA in Preschool Education. With 20 years of experience teaching preschool-aged children at other schools, Mrs. Packer joined West Highland nine years ago as a Dyslexia tutor and began teaching here four years ago.
As a long-standing member of the West Highland community, Mrs. Packer has been a parent volunteer for more than 20 years. She and her husband have four grown children, all of whom attended West Highland, with three graduating from the school.
Mrs. Packer is passionate about sharing the love of Jesus with her students and is committed to helping them achieve success, discover their God-given potential, and grow both academically and spiritually.

Pastor Gabe and his wife Sarah are former missionaries to Ukraine where they worked with orphans. He is currently the Lead Pastor at a local church but values Christian education and is thankful to be a part of the West Highland family. Pastor Gabe is a graduate of Simpson University and received his Masters in Christian Ministry with an emphasis on missions from Liberty University. His life verse is John 3:30 - "Jesus must increase and I must decrease." His hope for students is that they learn to rest securely in the timeless truth of God's Word so they can be His instruments in a changing world.

Mrs. Torres is our Spanish teacher with over two decades of experience teaching Spanish. As a native of Puerto Rico, she grew up speaking Spanish as her first language. Mrs. Torres brings cultural knowledge to the classroom, providing students with the opportunity to experience the language and culture of the Spanish-speaking world through music, food, and field trips. She uses creativity to make the textbook come alive and entices students to try traditional Spanish treats. Mrs. Torres has a heart for her students and is dedicated to teaching them Spanish in the right way. In addition to teaching, Mrs. Torres is a proud wife and mother of two WHCA graduates and two grandchildren.

Mrs. Whitted earned a Bachelor of Science degree in elementary education with minors in science and social studies from Eastern Michigan University. She and her family were missionaries in Mexico for five years. Her desire is for her students to realize that God has an amazing plan for their lives and for them to understand that a life lived for God is incredibly fulfilling.

Mrs. Wilson graduated from the University of Detroit Mercy with a Bachelors degree in Chemistry. She worked as a chemist for several years before choosing to stay home to homeschool her children. She has over 20 years of teaching experience and has taught at homeschool co-ops, public, private and charter schools. She is very passionate about students applying critical thinking skills to their daily lives and being problem solvers. She believes that every child has the ability to be great at something and seeks God’s hand to help unfold it. She previously taught several high school science classes at West Highland and is currently our Robotics Program Administrator and High School Student Advisor. She has a passion for helping students find and apply for scholarships and grants for college.