Any time you attend a PTF meeting, participate in or chair an event, help set up before or clean up after a school function, help out around the school or in a classroom, chaperone or drive for a field trip, you are serving. We could not operate without the generous, self-sacrificing support of our families! Don't forget to enter your service hours in FACTS Family Portal.
Ongoing opportunities include:
AM Recess Helper
Awards Night Refreshments
Bake Sales
Book Fairs
Boys Lock-In
Chapel Buddy Breakfast
Classroom Cleaning/Painting
Elementary Class Room Helper
Elementary Field Day
Event Chairperson
Fall Back-to-School Picnic
Field Day
Field Trip Drivers & Chaperones
Fun Runs
Girls Lock-In
Grant Writing
J-Term Sign-up Table
Lunch Recess Helper
Lunch Recess Monitors
Lunch Room Help
Moms in Prayer Group
Open House
Operation Christmas Child
Picture Day Assistance
Playground Maintenance
Preschool Outreach
PTF Meetings
PTF Officers
Robotics Volunteers
Rummage Sales
Sports Admissions/Concessions/Awards Dinners
Teacher Appreciation Week
And many others
If you have any questions about the PTF and their events, contact them at whca.k12.ptf@gmail.com.
WHCA wants to thank you all for your continued support of our staff, students, and our school.