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Parent Teacher Fellowship

The Parent Teacher Fellowship, otherwise known as the PTF, is a parent-led volunteer organization at our school where every parent, teacher and administrator is a member. The PTF exists to enhance the experience at West Highland Christian Academy.

The objectives of the PTF at WHCA are:

  • To support the spiritual and educational growth of WHCA families
  • To support the faculty in both personal and professional ways
  • To build community and school spirit
  • To pray for God's blessings on WHCA

The PTF is a multi-faceted group that serves as a networking tool for our parents, a welcoming organization for new families, a social opportunity to connect our parents, teachers and students, and, most importantly, a vital piece of our children's overall experience. Without the support of the PTF, we would not be able to provide the level of benefits and activities that our families enjoy throughout the year.

The ultimate goal of all that the PTF does is to glorify the Lord, and we believe that, “If anyone serves, he should do it with the strength that God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ.” I Peter 4:11

PTF Meetings

Watch for PTF meetings in the weekly newsletter or subscribe to the school calendar.

Volunteer Opportunities

For more information about volunteering, click HERE.

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